

สัญลักษณ์นี้เป็นสัญลักษณ์พื้นฐานของรถยนต์ทุกค่ายที่พึงมี รูปร่างอาจต่างกันนิดหน่อยครับ

Sunday, February 15, 2015

คำสั่ง DOS

รวม่คำสั่งภายนอก และภายในของ DOS
copy con test.txt ทำสำเนาข้อมูลจากแป้นพิมพ์มาไว้ที่ไฟล์ notes.txt
copy test.txt prn พิมพ์ไฟล์ test.txt ออกทางเครื่องปริ๊นเตอร์
copy test1.txt + test2.txt testmix.txt รวมไฟล์ test1.txt กับ test2.txt ไว้ที่ testmix.txt

append Similar to Path; allows programs to open data files in other directories.
arp Display or modify the IP-to-MAC address translation tables.
at   Schedule commands and programs to run at a specified time/date.
attrib Change file properties.
cd Change directories.
chkdsk Utility to check the hard disk for errors.
cls Clear the contents of the screen.
cmd The command interpreter; similar to “Command.”
copy Copy a file from one location to another.
date Display and set the current system date.
del Delete files permanently.
dir View files in the current and parent directories.
doskey Utility used to keep a history of commands on the computer.
edit Start the text editor program.
exit Terminate the current running application.
expand Expand compressed Windows files.
fc Compare two files against one another.
fdisk Create and delete partitions on a hard disk.
find Search for case-sensitive text within a file or set of files.
finger Display user information on a system running the finger service.
format Prepare a disk for the file system; erase all files from a disk.
ftp Transfer files to and from a computer running the FTP service.
help Access the help file to display information about a command.
hostname  Print the name of the current host.
ipconfig  Display/refresh network configuration settings for network adapters.
md Create directories on the file system; similar to mkdir.
more Display information one page at a time.
move Move files or directories from one directory or drive location to another.
nbtstat  Display system NetBIOS information.
net continue Resume a paused service.
net file List and close open shared files.
net group Add, display, or modify global groups on domain controllers.
net help Display help specifically for the net commands.
net helpmsg Display information about Windows network error/alert/warning messages.
net localgroup Display and modify local groups on a computer.
net name Display/add/delete messaging names or aliases for a computer.
net pause Suspend a Windows service or resource, in effect putting it on hold.
net send Send messages to other computers/users/messaging names on network.
net session List or disconnect open sessions with the computer.
net share Display/add/delete shared resources on a computer.
net start List running services as well as start services.
net stop Stop running services.
net time Display/synchronize time on a computer; also show/set time server.
net use Connect/disconnect (also list current) a computer and shared resource.
net user Display, create, and modify user accounts on a computer.
net view Display a list of shared resources or computers in the domain/network.
netstat Display current system TCP/IP connection and state information.
nslookup Provide DNS name translation using current or set name server.
pathping Combine features from tracert and ping to provide trace routing.
ping Check connectivity and connection path from one computer to another.
print Print text to a specified printer.
rasdial Dial and connect to a remote access server or disconnect a connection.
rcp Copy files to and from a computer.
rd Delete a directory.
reg Display, add, or delete registry keys on the local computer.
ren Rename one or more files.
rexec Run commands on remote host running the rexec service.
route Display, add, or delete routes in the computer’s routing table.
rsh Run commands on remote host running the rsh service.
runas Run commands as a specified user.
sort Sort input from a file alphabetically, and numerically, and in reverse.
start Start a separate window to run a program or command.
tftp Transfer files to and from computers running the tftp service.
time Display or modify the computer’s current time setting.
tracert Display the route taken along the network to a computer.
tree Display the folder structure for a drive or path in a graphical form.
type Display the contents of a text file or files.
ver Display the Windows version.
xcopy Copy file and directory trees.

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